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Over 1 billion clamshells tracked since 2007!

        Trace clam shells/products back to the original grower, field, crew, date, and, if necessary, the employee.

Our traceability software focuses on providing our Clients with a stand alone solution that easily and effectively allows them to identify the source of their produce. It can be integrated to our DataTrackTM software or can be interfaced to existing ERP or Enterprise systems.

How can TraceBack help your business?

In the event you need to recall a product or identify its origin, our system will provide the information quickly and easily, giving you the ability to react promptly to any situation. Ownership traceability reduces both the expense of a recall and the negative publicity associated with a delayed recall.

Key Features Include

  • Unique ID #

  • Fully integrated handheld scanners streamline data capture, eliminating manual data entry.

  • Multiple alternatives for clam shell \ product identification.

  • Flags Growers who fail to provide required data.

  • Data stored online via FTP, accessible through internet worldwide.

  • Automatically schedules Grower audits to verify compliance.




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